Friday 23 September 2011

Banking and Financial Terms

Active Market

This is a term used by stock exchange which specifies the particular stock or share which deals in frequent and regular transactions. It helps the buyers to obtain reasonably large amounts at any time.

Administered Price

The administrative body e.g., the government a marketing board or a trading group determines this price. The competitive market force are not entitled to determine this price. The government fixes a price in accordance with demand supply portion in the market.

Ad-valorem TaxAd-valorem tax is a kind of indirect tax in which goods are taxed by their values. In the case of ad-volorem tax, the tax amount is calculated as the proportion of the price of the goods. Value added Tax (VAT) is an ad-volorem Tax.

Advanced Countries

Advanced countries are countries which are industrially advanced, having high national and per capita income and ensure high rate of capital formation. These countries possess highly developed infrastructure and apply most updated and advanced technical know-how in their productive activities. A strong and well organised financial structure is found in these advanced countries.


It means ‘merger’. As and when necessity arises two or more companies are merged into a large organisation. This merger takes place in order to effect economies, reduce competition and capture market. The old firms completely lose their identity when the merger takes place.


Appreciation means an increase in the value of something e.g., stock of raw materials or manufactured goods. It also includes an increase in the traded value of a currency. It is the antonym of Depreciation. When the prices rise due to inflation, appreciation may occur. It causes scarcity or increase in earning power.


When a person performs functions of middle man and buys and sells goods at a particular time to cash the price differences of two markets, this action is termed as arbitrage. Purchases are made in the market where price is low and at the same time, goods are sold in other market where the price are high. Thus the middleman earns profit due to price difference in two markets.


Where there is an industrial dispute, the Arbitration comes to the force. The judgement is given by the Arbitrator. Both the parties have to accept and honour the Arbitration. Arbitration is the settlement of labour disputes that takes place between employer and the employees.


When a commodity is sold by auction, the bids are made by the buyers. Whose ever makes the highest bid, gets the commodity which is being sold. The buyers make the bid
taking into consideration the quality and quantity of the commodity.


If a country is self-sufficient, it does not require the imports for the country. Autarchy is an indicator of self-sufficiency. It means that the country itself can satisfy the needs of its population without making imports from other countries.


Automation means the use of machinery & technology to replace the labour’s work. Automation increases the demand of skilled workers. Unskilled and semiskilled workers are reduced as a result of automation.

Balanced Budget

When the total revenue of the government exactly equals the total expenditure incurred by the government, the budget becomes a balanced budget. But it is a conservative view point. In present days, the welfare government has to regulate a number of economic and social activities which increase the expenditure burden on the government and results in deficit budget.

Balance of Payment

Balance of payment of a country is a systematic record of all economic transactions completed between its residents and the residents of remaining world during a year. In other words, the balance of payment shows the relationship between the one country's total payment to all other countries and its total receipts from them. Balance of payment is a comprehensive term which includes both visible and invisible items. Balance of payment not only include visible export and imports but also invisible trade like shipping, banking, insurance, tourism, royalty, payments of interest on foreign debts.

Balance of Trade

Balance of trade refers to the total value of a country's export commodities and total value of imports commodities. Thus balance of trade includes only visible trade i.e., movement of goods (exports and imports of goods). Balance of trade is a part of Balance of payment statement.

Balance Sheet

Balance sheet is a statement showing the assets and liabilities of a business at a certain date. Balance sheet helps in estimating the real financial situation of a firm.


Bank is a financial institution. It accepts funds on current and deposit accounts. It also lends money. The bank pays the cheques drawn by customers against current and deposits accounts. The bank is a trader that deals in money and credit.

Bank Draft

Banker's draft is a negotiable claim drawn upon a bank. Drafts are as good as cash. The drafts cannot be returned and unpaid. Draft is issued when a customer shows his unwillingness to accept cheque in payment for his services or mercantile goods. Bank Draft is safer than a cheque.

Bank Rate

Bank Rate is the rate of discount at which the central bank of the country discounts first class bills. It is the rate of interest at which the central bank lends money to the lower banking institutions. Bank rate is a direct quantitative method of credit control in the economy.


It implies an agreement between two countries to extend to each other specific privileges in their international trade which are not extended to others.

Birth Rate

Birth Rate (or Crude Birth Rate) is number of the births per thousand of the population during a period, usually a year. Only live births are included in the calculation of birth rate.

Black Money

It is unaccounted money which is concealed from tax authorities. All illegal economic activities are dealt with this black Money. Hawala market has deep roots with this black money. Black money creates parallel economy. It puts an adverse pressure on equitable distribution of wealth and income in the economy.

Blue Chip

It is concerned with such equity shares whose purchase is extremely safe. It is a safe investment. It does not involve any risk.

Blue Collar Jobs

These Jobs are concerned with factory. Persons who are unskilled and depend upon manual jobs that require physical strain on human muscle are said to be engaged in Blue Collar Jobs. In the age of machinery, such Jobs are on the decline these days.


It means the drift of intellectuals of a country to another country. Scientists, doctors and technology experts generally go to other prominent countries of the world to better their lot and earn huge sums of money. This Brain-Drain deprives a country of its genius and capabilities.

Bridge Loan

A loan made by a bank for a short period to make up for a temporary shortage of cash. On the part of borrower, mostly the companies for example, a business organization wants to install a new company with new equipments etc. while his present installed company / equipments etc. are not yet disposed off. Bridge loan covers this period between the buying the new and disposing of the old one.


It is a document containing a preliminary approved plan of public revenue and public expenditure. It is a statement of the estimated receipt and expenses during a fixed period, it is a comparative table giving the accounts of the receipts to be realized and of the expenses to be incurred.

Budget Deficit

Budget may take a shape of deficit when the public revenue falls short to public expenditure. Budget deficit is the difference between the estimated public expenditure and public revenue. The government meets this deficit by way of printing new currency or by borrowing.


Bull is that type of speculator who gains with the rise in prices of shares and stocks. He buys share or commodities in anticipation of rising prices and sells them later at a profit.

Bull Market

It is a market where the speculators buy shares or commodities in anticipation of rising prices. This market enables the speculators to resale such shares and make a profit.


When the government fails to check inflation, it raises income tax and the corporate tax. Such a tax is called Buoyancy. It concerns with the revenue from taxation in the period of inflation.

Business Cycle

Business cycle (also known as trade cycle) are species of fluctuations in the economic activity of organised communities. It is composed of period of good trade characterised
by rising prices and low unemployment, alternating with period of bad trade characterised by falling prices and high unemployment. Every trade cycle have five different subphases–depression, recovery, full employment, prosperity (boom) and recession.

Call Money

Call money is in the form of loans and advances which are payable on demand or within the number of days specified for the purpose.

Capital Budgeting

Capital budgeting represents the process of preparing budget for a period of a year or even for several years allocating capital outlays for the various investment projects. In other words, it is the process of budgeting capital expenditure by means of an annual or longer period capital budget.

Capital-labour Ratio

Latest models of machinery and equipment raise the labour efficiency and the output is maximized. Capitallabour ratio is the amount of capital against the given labours that a firm employs. Capital-labour ratio is the ratio of capital to labour.

Capital Market

Capital market is the market which gives medium term and long term loans. It is different from money market which deals only in short term loans.


Capitalism is an economic system in which all means of production are owned by private individuals Selfprofit motive is the guiding feature for all the economic activates under capitalism. Under pure capitalism system economic conditions are regulated solely by free market forces. This system is based on ‘Laissez-faire system’ i.e., no state intervention. Sovereignty of consumer prevails in this system. Consumer behaves like a king under capitalism.

Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)

The commercial banks are required to keep a certain amount of cash reserves at the central bank. This percentage amount is called CRR. It influences the commercial bank’s volume of credit because variation in CRR affects the liquidity position of the banks and hence their ability to lend.


Census gives us estimates of population. Census is of great economic importance for the country. It tells us the rate at which the total population is increasing among different age groups. In India census is done after every 10 years. The latest census in India has been done in 2001.

Central Bank
Central Bank may be defined as the apex barking and monetary institution whose main function is to control, regulate and stabilize the banking and the monetary system of the country in the national interest.


Cheque is an order in writing issued by the drawer to a bank. If the customer has sufficient amount in his account, the cheque is paid by the bank. Cheques are used in place of cash money.

Clearing Bank

Clearing bank is one which settles the debits and credits of the commercial banks. Even of the cash balances are lesser, clearing bank facilitates banking operation of the commercial bank.

Clearing House

Clearing house is an institution which helps to settle the mutual indebtedness that occurs among the members of its organisation.

Closed Economy

Closed economy refers to the economy having no foreign trade (i.e., export and import). Such economies depend exclusively on their own internal domestic resources and have
no dependence on outside world.


Producers of an industry reduce competition among themselves to raise their profits. They fix the price themselves with a clear understanding in this regard. This understanding among different firms is called collusion.


Art and practice of making coins is called coinage. The metal is melted and moulded to shape into a coin. The coinage is a medium of exchange (money).


Collectivism is a belief that nation's interest is superior to individual interest. This is the collective thinking of the society and polity national leaders and also communist opine the theory of collection.

Commercial Bank

Commercial Bank is an institution of finance. It deals with the banking services through its branches in whole of the country. Operation of current accounts, deposits, granting of loans to individuals and companies etc. are various functions of the commercial bank.

CommunismCommunism is a political and economic system in which the state makes the major economic decision State owns the bulk of capital assets. Responsibility for production and distribution lies with the state in this system.

Core SectorEconomy needs basic infrastructure for accelerating development. Development of infrastructure industries like cement, iron and steel, petroleum, heavy machinery etc. can only ensure the development of the economy as a whole. Such industries are core sector industries.

Corporation Tax

It is a tax on company's profit. It is a direct tax which is calculated on profits after interest payments and allowance (i.e., Capital allowance) have been deducted but before dividends are allowed for.

Cost-push InflationIt arises due to an increase in production cost. Such type of inflation is caused by three factors : (i) an increase in wages, (ii) an increase in the profit margin and (iii) imposition of heavy taxation.

Credit RationingCredit rationing takes place when the banks discriminates between the borrowers. Credit rationing empowers the bank to lend to some and to refuse to lend to others. In this way credit rationing restricts lending on the part of bank.

Credit SqueezeMonetary authorities restrict credit as and when required. This credit restriction is called credit squeeze. Monetary authorities adopt the policy of credit squeeze to control inflationary pressure in the economy.

Custom DutyCustom duty is a duty that is imposed on the products received from exporting nations of the world. It is also called protective duty as it protects the home industries.

Cyclical UnemploymentIt is that phase of unemployment which appears due to the occurrence of the downward phase of the trade cycle. Such an employment is reduced or eliminated when the business
cycle turns up again.

Dear Money

Dear money is that money which can only be borrowed at a high rate of interest. In dear money policy, bank rate and other rates of interest are high and as a result borrowing becomes expensive. Dear money policy is deliberate policy which is adopted by the monetary authorities to check inflation in the economy.

Death Duty

It is a direct tax which is imposed on the estate of deceased person. Death duty or Death Tax is a form of personal tax on property which is levied when property passes from one person to other at the time of death of the former.

Death Rate

Death rate signifies the number of deaths in a year per thousand of the population. It is mostly known as crude death rate. Life expectancy is important determinant of death rate.
A country having high life expectancy will have a high crude death rate.

DecentralisationDecentralisation means the establishment of various unit of the same industry at different places. Large scale organisation or industry can not be run at one particular place or territory. In order to increase the efficiency of the industry, various units at different places are located.

Debt Service (Total)

The sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in foreign currency, goods and services on longterm debt (having maturity of more than one year), interest paid on shortterm debt and repayments to IMF.

Deficit Financing

It is a practice resorted to by modern government of spending more money than it receives in revenue. It is a policy of bridging a deficit between governments expenditure and revenue. Deliberately budgeting for a deficit is called deficit financing. This practice was popularised by Prof. J. M. Keynes to deal with the depression and unemployment situations and to stimulate economic activity. Deficit financing, though having inflationary effects, has now become a common practice in all countries.


Deflation is the reverse case of inflation. Deflation is that state of falling prices which occurs at that time when the output of goods and services increases more rapidly than the volume of money in the economy. In the deflation the general price level falls and the value of money rises.


The loss of value of currency of a country relative to other foreign currency is known as devaluation. Devaluation is a process in which the government deliberately cheapens the exchange value of its own currency in terms of other currency by giving it a lower exchange value. Devaluation is used for improving, the balance of payment situation in the country.

Direct Tax

A tax is said to be a direct tax when it is not intended to be shifted to anybody else. The person who pays it in the first instance is also excepted to bear it. Thus the impact and incidence of direct tax fall on the same person shifting of direct tax is not possible Income Tax is a example of direct tax.


It refers to a process of bringing down prices moderately from their high level without any adverse impact on production and employment. Thus, disinflation is an anti-inflationary measure.

DissavingDissaving occurs when expenditure exceeds income. Raising of loans or utilization of past accumulated savings takes place in such eventuality.


Dividend is the amount which the company distributes to shareholders when the profits of the company are calculated by the board of directors.

Economic Integration

Economic integration appears when two or more nations coordinate themselves and their economies are linked up. It may exhibit itself in the form of free trade area or a full economic union. EEC is an example of economic integration.

Engel's Law

This law was formulated by Ernst Engel. This law states that, with given taste and preference, the portion of income spend on food diminishes as income increases. According to this law, smaller a person's income, the greater the proportion of it that he will spend on food and vice versa.

Estate DutyIt is a tax which is levied on the estate of a decreased person. It is also known as death duty. The ownership of state changes hands only after the payments of the estate duty. It is an progressive tax in nature.

Excise Duty

It is a tax which is imposed on certain indigenous production (e.g., petroleum products, cigarettes etc.) of the country. Excise duty may be imposed either to raise revenue or to check the consumption of the commodities on which they are imposed. Excise duty is progressive in nature.

Face ValueIt refers to that normal value of coin at which the coin circulates and is accepted in the discharge of debit or obligation. Broadly speaking, the face value refers to domination stamped on a coin / or documents when it is issued. In securities, it refers to par value.


It is a form of political system. In it every economic consideration rests on one criterion—the increase in the people's standard of living. It also lays emphasis on military
strength and prestige of the country. It is the extreme nationalism and the ultimate goal is self-sufficiency.

Federal EconomyIt refers to a federation which is an association of two and more states. A federal state is a union of state in which authority is divided between the federal (or central) government and the state governments. In a federal economy both the centre and the states are independent in the exercise of this authority.

Fiduciary IssueGenerally bank-note are backed by gold. But when they are not backed by gold and government securities replace gold, it is called fiduciary issue. Such fiduciary issue results in inflation.

Fertility Rate

The term fertility refers to the actual bearing of children or ‘occurrence of births’. Fertility rate measures the average number of the live births per 1000 women. This rate is one of the most important and useful aids to population projection. It helps in assessing population trends in the economy.

Fiscal PolicyFiscal policy is that part of government economic policy which deals with taxation, expenditure, borrowing, and the management of public debt in the economy. Fiscal policy primarily concerns itself with the flow of funds in the economy. Fiscal policy primarily concerns itself with the flow of funds in the economy. It exerts a very powerful influence on the working of economy as a whole.


GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure) is a composite index measuring gender inequality in three basic dimensions of empowerment–economic participation and decision making, political participation and decision making, and power over economic resources.


GDI (Gender Related Development Index) is a composite index measuring average achievement in the three basic dimensions captured in the human development index–a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living–adjusted to account for inequalities between men and women.

Gini-coefficientIt represents the measurement of inequality derived from the ‘Lorenz Curve,’ with every increase in the degree of inequality, the curvature of the Lorenz Curve also increases and
the area between the curve and 45° line becomes larger.
The Gini-coefficient is measured as—
G =Area between Lorenz Curve & 45° Line/Area above the 45° Line

Giffin Goods

Giffin goods have the positive relationship between price and quantity demanded and as a result demand curve of Giffin goods slopes upward from left to right. This phenomenon was first observed by Sir Robert Giffin in relation to the demand for bread by poor labours.

Gresham's Law

“Bad money (if not limited in quantity) drives good money out of circulation”—This statement was given by Sir Thomas Gresham, the economic Adviser of Queen Elizabeth. This law states that people always want to hoard good money and spend bad money when two forms of money are in circulation at the same time.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)It is the money value of all final goods and services produced within the geographical boundaries of the country during a given period of time (usually a year). GDP can be calculated both at current prices and at constant prices. If we add net factor income from abroad to the GDP, we get ‘Gross National Product’ (GNP).

Gross National Product (GNP)

It refers to the money value of total output or production of final goods and services produced by the nationals of a country during a given period of time, generally a year.

Gross National Product Deflator

It is a Price Index Number used to correct the money value of Gross National Product (GNP) for price changes so as to isolate the changes which have taken place in the physical output of goods and services.

Guild Socialism

This form of socialism accepts the leadership of artisans. The operation of the whole economy specially the management and control of industries lies in the hands of artisans Socialism established by artisans is termed a Guild Socialism.


HDI (Human Development Index) is a composite index measuring average achievement in three basic dimensions of human life–a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.

Import Duty

Import duty is a tax on imports imposed on an ad-valorem basis i.e., fixed in the form of a percentage on the value of the commodity imported.

Indirect Tax

Indirect tax is that tax which is levied on goods or services produced or purchased. Indirect taxes are those which are demanded from one person in the expectation and intention that he shall indemnify himself at the expense to another.


A situation of a steady and sustained rise in general prices is usually known as inflation. Inflation is a state in which the value of money is falling i.e., prices are rising.

Joint Demand

Joint demand appears in case of complementary goods. When two commodities are complementary to one another and cannot be used separately, they have joint demand. Bread and butter, sugar and tea, pen and ink are a few examples of joint demand. In joint demand a change in demand of one commodity bring about the proportionate change in demand for the other.

Joint Sector

When a sector is jointly owned, managed and run by both public and private sector, it is called joint sector. This sector indicates the partnership between the two i.e., public and private sector.

Labour Union

Labour union represents that organisation of workers which works for improving working condition of labours and also for raising their wage by adopting ‘collective bargaining’ measures with the management of the industry in particular.

Laffer Curve

This curve is given by American economist Prof. Arthur Laffer. It represents relationship between total tax revenue and corresponding tax rates.

Laissez Faire

It is a French word meaning ‘non-interference’. This doctrine was popularised by classical economists who gave the view that government should interfere as little as possible in the economic activities of the individuals.

Life Expectancy at Birth

The number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing pattern of age specific mortality rates at the time of birth were to stay the same throughout the child’s life.


It refers to the termination (or winding up) of a registered company. Liquidation takes place because of company's insolvency. In liquidation, assets are turned into cash for settling outstanding debts and for apportioning the balance, if any, amongst the owners.


Assets which can easily be converted into cash money are said to have liquidity. Land does not possess liquidity at it takes longer time to get converted into cash.

Liquidity Ratio

The commercial banks under banking regulations have to maintain a certain specified proportion of their total deposits of various categories in liquid assets. This maintainable proportion is called liquidity ratio.


Lock-out refers to such a situation when the management does not permit the workers to work unless they agree to accept the employer's term. Lock-out is the closing of work by the management for an uncertain period of time to put pressure on the labour union. It is an action by the employer equivalent to a strike by employees.

Lorentz Curve

This curve shows the degree of inequalities of a frequency distribution in a graphical manner. It is a curve on a graph which shows the cumulative proportion of a statistical population against this cumulative share of some characteristic. This curve is commonly used to depict income distribution showing the cumulative percentage of people from the poorest up and their cumulative share of national income.

Lump Sum Tax

Lump sum tax is a fixed amount which has imperative nature irrespective of the income level. This tax is not equitable in nature.

Merit Goods

Merit goods refer those goods that are very essential to the society as a whole and hence the government ensures their availability to all consumers, regardless of their ability to pay to reasonable price.

Mixed EconomyIt refers to that economic system in which both private and public sector co-exists. Indian economy is an example of a mixed economy.

Monetary Policy

Monetary policy comprises all measures applied by the monetary authorities with a view to produce a deliberate impact on the nature and volume of money so as to achieve the objectives of general economic policy. It aims at regulating the flow of currency, credit and other money substitutes in an economy with a view to affect the total stock of such assets as well as to influence the demand of the community for such assets.

Monetary Reforms

When a new currency is introduced in a country due to hyperinflation or due to a deliberate policy measure (such as decimalization) it is termed as monetary reform.


Monopoly refers to that market structure where there is only one seller in the market who controls the entire market supply and no substitute of the product is available in the market.


Monopsony is that market situation in which there is only one single buyer of the product in the market. In other word, ‘buyer's monopoly’ is termed as monopsony.

Multinational Company

It is a large scale company which has its production base in several countries and the bulk of the production is produced in outside nations. This company produces more overseas
than they do in its parent country. Increased trade and economies of scale have encouraged such type of companies in the recent years.

National Income

In the simplest way it can be defined as ‘factor income accruing to the national residents of a country.’ It is the sum of domestic factor income and net factor income earned from abroad. Net national product at factor cost is called national income.

Net National Product (NNP)

When depreciation is deducted from GNP i.e., Gross National Product, we get Net National Product (NNP).


Oligopoly is that form of imperfect competition in which there are only a few firms in the industry (or group) producing either homogeneous products or may be having product differentiation in a given line of production.

Open Economy

Open economy is that economy which is left free and the government imposes no restrictions on trade with areas outside that economy.

Okun’s Law

Arthur Okun presented an empirical relationship between cyclical movements in GNP and unemployment. Okun found that an annual 2•5% increase in the rate of real growth above the trend growth results in a 1% decrease in the rate of unemployment. This relationship is known as Okun’s Law.

Perfect Competition

Perfect competition is the market in which there are many firms selling identical products with no firm large enough relative to the entire market to be able to influence market price.

Poverty Line

Poverty line is a virtual line demarcating persons living below and above it. In India all those persons are treated living below poverty line who are not able to earn that much of income which is not sufficient to acquire food equivalent to 2100 calories per person per day in urban areas and 2400 calories per person per day in rural areas. As per UNDP, one US dollar (1993 PPP US $) per person per day is treated as poverty line.


PQLI is known as Physical Quality of Life Index which is used to assess the level of social development. This index was developed by Jim Grant for The Overseas Development Council PQLI is calculated by using indices of (i) Adult literacy rate, (ii) IMR, (iii) Life Expectancy.

Price Mechanism

Price mechanism signifies the working of those market forces which establishes equilibrium in the economy. Laissez faire policy is the basis for the working of price mechanism.

Price Ring

It is an unofficial syndicate by which the prices are controlled with the prior understanding among the traders. These dealers under a price ring decide not to over-bid one another at the public auction to keep the prices low. This price ring may discourage outsiders from coming to the auctions.

Private Sector

Private Sector is that part of the economy which is not owned by the government and is under the hands of private enterprise. In other words, private sector is not under direct government control. Private sector includes the personal as well as the corporate sector.


Privatisation is the antithesis of nationalisation. When the government owned public industries are denationalised and the disinvestment process is initiated, it is called privatisation.

Public Debt

Public debt represents borrowing by the state and public authorities. All loans taken by the public authorities constitute public debt.

Public Goods

Public goods are those goods which belong to the entire community. None of the individual of the society can be made deprived of using these public goods. National defence, Police, Street lighting etc. are examples of public goods.

Public SectorPublic sector signifies those undertakings which are owned, managed and run by public authorities. Public sector includes direct government enterprise, the nationalized industries and public corporations. In this sector of the economy the government acts itself as an entrepreneur.

Peril Point

It indicates that point beyond which tariff reductions would threaten the existence of domestic industry.

Quick Asset

Those assets are quick assets which are liquid or nearly liquid in nature and easily be turned into cash.

Quoted Company

That company is called quoted company whose share prices are quoted on a stock exchange.


It signifies general increase in the level of business activity in the economy. Reflation generally involves greater government expenditure and the easing of credit to encourage increased production.

Regressive Tax

It is a tax in which rate of taxation falls with an increase in income. In regressive taxation incidence falls more on people having lower incomes than that of those having higher incomes.

Repressed Inflation

It is a state in which aggregate demand is greater than the total supply of goods and services in an economy, but prices are prevented from rising to eliminate excess demand. The holding down of price is sometimes done by government as a means of suppressing inflation.

Reserve Asset Ratio

It is the ratio of a bank’s reserve assets to its eligible liabilities.

Revolving Credit

It is a bank credit that is renewed automatically until notice of cancellation is received. Revolving credits may be sanctioned for an unlimited amount in total but with a limit on
the amount that may be drawn at any one time or within a specified period, e.g., one month.

Seasonal UnemploymentIt is that unemployment which is caused by seasonal variation in demand for labour by various industries, such as agriculture, construction and tourism. Seasonal unemployment
normally declines in spring as more outdoor work can be undertaken.


Security refers to a share, bond or government stock that can be bought and sold, usually on the stock exchange or on a secondary market, and carries a right to some form of income, either in the form of a fixed rate of interest or dividends.

Shadow PriceIt is an imputed value for a good based on the opportunity costs of the resources used to produce it such values are of particular significance in resolving problems of resource allocating with respect to the effect on welfare.

Share Capital

It is the amount of money raised by a company by issuing shares. The authorized share capital is the amount that a company is allowed to issue as laid down in its Articles of Association. The issued share capital is the amount actually issued i.e., the number of issued shares multiplied by their par value. Fully paid share capital is the amount raised by payment of the full par value of the issued shares.

Single Tax System

It is a system in which all tax revenues are raised from one form of taxation.


The political doctrine that the means of production (machines, materials and output) should be owned by society and specifically either by the state, as in the case of nationalized industries or by the workers directly, as in the case of producer co-operatives.

Social SecurityProvision by the state out of taxation of welfare assistance to those in need as a result of illness, unemployment, or old age compare national insurance refers to social security.

Soft CurrencyA currency with limited convertibility into gold and other currencies, either because it is depreciating due to balance of payments difficulties or because controls have been placed on it to prevent the exchange rate falling.

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)

It is a reserve asset (known as ‘Paper Gold’) created within the framework of the International Monetary Fund in an attempt to increase international liquidity, and now forming a part of countries official reserves along with gold, reserve positions in the IMF and convertible foreign currencies.

Special Tax (Unit Tax)

It is a tax imposed per unit of a commodity rather than on the value of the commodity compare ad-valorem.

Stabilization Policy

It is Government economic policy announced at reducing the cyclical and other fluctuations that take place in a market economy.


It is a state of the economy in which economic activity is slowing down, but wages and prices continue to rise. The term is a blend of the words stagnation and inflation.

Surplus Value

It is the difference between the amount paid to a factor and the revenue earned by selling the output it produced.


It is a tax or a duty on imports, which can be levied either on physical units, e.g., per tonne (specific), or on value (ad-valorem). Tariffs may be imposed for a variety of reasons including; to raise government revenue, to protect domestic industry from subsidized or low-wage imports, to boost domestic employment, or to ease a deficit on the balance of payments.

Trade Gap

It signifies the size of the deficit (or surplus) in the balance of trade i.e., the difference in value between visible imports and exports.

Trade Union

It is an organisation of employees who join together to further their interests. Trade Unions negotiate on behalf of their members in collective bargaining with employers, and in the event of a dispute may put pressure on employers by withdrawing labour (i.e. strike) or by some less drastic form of action (i.e. go-slow, working to rule).

Transfer PaymentIt is a payment made by public authority other than one made in exchange for goods or services produced. Transfer payments are not the part of National Income. Examples includes unemployment benefit and child benefits.

Vital Statistics

Vital statistics refers to those data which are associated with vital events of masses like birth, death, marriage divorce etc.

VAT (Value Added Tax)

VAT seeks to tax the value added at every stage of manufacturing and sale, with a provision of refunding the amount of VAT already paid at the earlier stages to avoid double taxation. In other words, the tax already paid can be claimed at the next stage of value addition.

Wealth Tax

Wealth tax is that tax which is imposed on the value of total assets but the wealth upto a certain limit is exempted from such tax.

Welfare State

It refers to a nation that provides to all at least the minimum standards in respect of education, health, housing, pensions and other social benefits.

Wholesale Price Index
Wholesale Price Index is that index which is calculated on the basis of wholesale prices. It is calculated in a similar way to the Retail Price Index.

Thursday 22 September 2011


1. SBI commercial & International Bank Limited acquired by ...........?
1) Reserve Bank of India
2) Ministry of Commerce
4) State bank of India
5) None

2. RBI ordered that more than what denomination the Demand Drafts should not be issued against Cash, particularly by RRBs?
1) Rs.1000
2) Rs.10,000
3) Rs.50,000
4) Rs.1,50,000

3. LIC(Life Insurance Corporation of India) made a pact to issue Credit Cards with ...........?
2) AXIS Bank
3) Corporation Bank
5) Andhra Bank

4. Recently EXIM Bank (Export and Import Bank of India) provided $ 20 million line of credit to...........?
1) Switzerland
2) Zimbwabe
3) Swaziland
4) Australia
5) New Zealand

5. Karnataka State Highway improvement project got $ 315 million from ...........?
1) Asian Development Bank
2) World Bank
3) IMF
4) AFD
5) ODA

6. Most active segment of the money market in India is...........?
1) Repo rate
2) Statutory Liquidity Ratio
3) Call money market
4) Certificate of Deposits market
5) Term note market

7. Syndicated loan means ...........?
1) the loan offered to BPL families
2) loan offered to one bank by different states in India
3) loan taken by different borrowers from one bank in the single account
4) loan given by the group of banks to single borrower
5) loans ban by RBI

8. India signed to get Rs. 1600 cr from German Bank to finance world biggest solar power plants in Dhule district of
1) Andhra Pradesh
2) Karnataka
3) Mysore
4) Maharastra
5) Goa

9. $ 200 million will be given to power distribution in Madhya Pradesh by ….
1) World Bank
2) Asian development Bank
3) AFD
4) International Monetary Fund
5) IFC

10. $ 648 million to be provided by world bank to construct 444 MW hydro power project in...........
1) Uttarakhand
2) Uttar Pradesh
3) Assom
4) Goa
5) Rajasthan

11. LIBOR (London Inter bank Offered Rate) being published by...........
1) BSE
2) Thomson Reuters
3) Washington Post
4) New York Times
5) London University

12. Till Kharif 2010, how many farmers covered under National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ...........
1) 20.25 crore
2) 18.65 crore
3) 12.4 crore
4) 9.6 crore
5) 17.14 crore

13. Center for Monitoring Indian Economy estimated 2011-12 fiscal year growth will be............percent?
1) 5.2
2) 9.1
3) 8.1
4) 10.5
5) 9.5

14. Rastriya Arogya Nidhi available get medical assistance.
1) The inhabitants of poor states
2) The inhabitants of North eastern states
3) BPL families
4) MGNREGA domestic workers only
5) None

15. Dal Bhat Scheme provides a meal for Rs.5 to poor. This is the scheme of...........?
1) Bihar
2) Tamilnadu
3) Arunachal Pradesh
4) Jharkhand
5) Assam

16. Which state has idea of bringing the federations of Self Help Groups (SHG)?
1) Karnataka
2) Maharastra
3) Andhra Pradesh
4) Tamilnadu
5) Uttar Pradesh

17. The chairman of Parliamentary standing committee on Law and Justice?
1) Murali Manohar Joshi
2) P.C.Chako
3) L.K.Advani
4)Yashwanth Sinha
5) Abhisheik Manu Singhvi

18. On 21 July 2011, for the defence pensioners which scheme launched?
1) Sudha
2) Suvidha
3 ) Sugam
4) Saral
5) Sangam

19. International Atomic Energy Agency was invited by India to visit ........... Nuclear plant recently?
1) Apsara
2) Druva
3) Kalpakam
4) Jaitapur
5) None

20. Kaveri Engine to be used in light combat aircraft ( LAC). This engine to be developed with the aid of...........?
1) France
2) USA
3) UK
4) Germany
5) Japan

21. Recently India and which country sign memorandum of understanding in the cooperation of Rural Development?
1) Brunai
2) Laos
3) Lesotho
4) South Africa
5) None

22. Who heads the panel to estimate the losses of power distribution companies in 2007-2010?
1) Narla Tatha Rao
2) Vidhya Sagar
3) V.K.Shunglu
4) Shantharam
5) Vijay C Kelkar

23. On August 13 , 2011 which multiple missile trail version successful?
1) Agni - II
2) Pruthvi- I
3) Nag
4) Akash
5) Brahmos - III

24. Fifth conference of SAARC speakers and parliamentarians held recently in..........
1) New Delhi
2) Mumbai
3) London
4) Dhaka
5) Male

25. Presently India is the third largest producer of Steel in the world. It becomes the second Largest producer by which year as per the estimate of central government recently?
1) 2013
2) 2020
3) 2045
4) 2050
5) 2015

26. Sevottam Certificate got by...........?
1) GPO, Mumbai
2) GPO, Rastrapathi Bhavan
3) GPO, Hyderabad
4) Gol Dak Khana, the Newdelhi GPO
5) All of above

27. Bank deposits grow by ...........percent during the March 2011- July 2011?
1) 8
2) 5.5
3) 6.1
4) 7
5) 9

28. Raise in inflation rate leads to decline in ...........?
1) interest rate
2) raise in the deposits in the banks
3) decrease the real interest rate
4) raise the credit growth by banks
5) None

29. Difference between interest earned and interest paid is called ..........?
1) Gross Interest Income
2) Paid Interest Income
3) Free Interest Income
4) Net Interest Income
5) All of above

30. Express Remit is the brand name remittance facility of ...........?
1) SBH
2) Allahabad Bank
3) Repco Bank
4) UBI
5) SBI

31. Rs.1000 can be withdrawn from the Point of Sales Terminals ( POS) as per the order of RBI. Which is the first bank to introduce this facility?
1) SBI
2) SBH
3) Union Bank of India

32. Recently RBI advised the banks to reduce the Net Interest Margin (NIM) come down to see the double digit growth. What is meant by it ...........
1) Banks accept the deposits at high rate of interest and lend at higher rate of interest
2) Banks accept the deposits at high rate of interest and lend at no rate of interest
3) Banks accept the deposits at high rate of interest and lend at lower rate than the present rates
4) Banks accept the deposits at lower rate of interest and lend at higher rate
5) None

33. Interest Corridor includes ...........?
1) Base rate and savings rate
2) Bank rate and Reverse Repo rate
3) Base rate and Repo rate
4) Repo rate and Reverse Repo rate
5) None

34. Asset-Liability mismatch usually happened in...........?
1) Home Loan and Infrastructure Project Financing
2) Education loan and personal loan
3) Personal loan and marriage loan
4) Travel loan and marriage loan
5) Education loan and School Fees

35. First Dedicated Education Loan Company CREDILA is the associate body of...........?
2) Andhra Bank
3) United Bank of India
4) Axis bank
5) SBH

36. Portal-linked service, which enables a dissatisfied customer to SMS 'unhappy' to 8008202020, if he is a customer of...........this is the first of its kind in India?
1) SBI
5) Indian bank

37. INFINET is a communication channel for transmission of electronic communication by banks. INFINET stands for...........?
1) Indian Financial Internal Network Electronic Transaction
2) Indian Financial Internal Network
3) Indian National Financial Internal Net Extra Track
4) Indian Financial Network
5) None

38. RBI subsidiary BRBNMPL related statements are given. Pick the incorrect one?
1) Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited was established by RBI
2) its wholly owned subsidiary of RBI established on 3rd February 1995
3) It is established to handover the functions of RBI to mint currency
4) It is established to bridge the gap between the supply and demand for bank notes in the country.
5) The company manages 2 Presses one at Mysore in Karnataka and the other at Salboni in West Bengal.

39. Rohinton Nariman is the new ...........of India?
1) Election Commissioner
2) Auditor General
3) Solicitor General
4) Army General
5) RBI Governor

40. 110th constitutional amendment bill connected to...........?
1) Reservation of woman local bodies
2) Reservation of SC and ST in the Assembly elections
3) Jan lokpal Bill
4) GST council
5) Direct Taxes Code

41. Rs.117.64 Crores released by the Central Government to promote production of...........?
1) Tobacco
2) Food grains
3) Nutri-cereals
4) Pulses
5) Rice

42. Sucheta becomes first Indian woman to cross ...........?
1) Antartica
2) Arctic Ocean
3) Sahara Desert
4) Gobi Desert
5) Suez Canal

43. Standard & Poor downgrades USA AAA credit rating to
1) AAA ++
2) AAB
3) BBB
4) AA+
5) AB+

44. Which coach became first one to train 100 cricket test matches in the world?
1) Waqar Younus
2) Greg Chappel
3) Duncan Fletcher
4) David Boon
5) Kapil Dev

45. 2014 FIFA world Cup to be held from 12 June to 13 July in
1) London (Britain)
2) Rio ( Brazil)
3) Incheon (South Korea)
4) Washington (USA)
5) None

46. Who was called the Doctor Death, died recently, helped many people to die, if they are suffering from the dreaded and long time diseases?
1) Dr. Subodh Roy
2) Kimitachi Penogogi
3) Dr.Jack Kevorkian
4) Dr. Shantha Singh
5) None

47. India-South Africa trade to touch $………...billion before 2014?
1) 25
2) 10
3) 50
4) 15
5) 60

48. Modi cup is related to……….?
1) Cricket
2) Golf
3) Hockey
4) Tennis
5) Carrom

49. Arasu Cable TV Corporation belongs to the state of ………..?
1) Tamilnadu
2) Kerala
3) Andhra Pradesh
4) Puduccherry
5) None

50. Direct Tax do not include ………..?
1) Income Tax
2) Corporate Duty
3) Service Tax
4) Sales Tax
5) Wealth Tax


1)4 2)3 3)2 4)3 5)1 6)3 7)4 8)4 9)2
10)1 11)2 12)5 13)3 14)3 15)4 16)3 17)5
18)5 19)4 20)1 21)3 22)3 23)5 24)1 25)1
26)4 27)2 28)3 29)4 30)5 31)3 32)3 33)4
34)1 35)1 36)1 37)4 38)3 39)3 40)1 41)3
42)4 43)4 44)3 45)2 46)3 47)4 48)3 49)1

Sunday 18 September 2011

Allahabad Bank Probationary Officers Exam., 2011

                        General Awareness
                                                           (Exam Held on 17-4-2011)

1. Which of the following is/are the objective(s) of Free Trade Agreement, India has done with many countries ?
1. To provide support to entrepreneurs for setting up new projects in tiny/SSI sector.
2. For undertaking expansion of business.
3. To support technology up-gradation.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) All 1, 2 and 3
(D) Only 1 and 3
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

2. Which of the following organisations issue the rules of global trade ?
(A) World Bank
(B) World Trade Organisation
(C) Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association
(D) Directorate General and Foreign Trade
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

3. One single statement that depicts the financial position of a bank and/or business enterprise at a given point of time is called—
(A) Statement of product details
(B) Reconciliation Statement
(C) Balance Sheet
(D) Quarterly returns submitted to RBI
(E) Trading and manufacturing account
Ans : (C)

4. Banks borrow money from the RBI on which of the following rates ?
(A) Reverse Repo Rate
(B) Repo Rate
(E) Savings Rate
Ans : (B)

5. The Reverse mortgage scheme is launched to give benefit to which of the following groups of society ?
(A) Govt. employees
(B) Senior Citizens
(C) Unemployed youth
(D) War widows
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

6. What does the letter ‘M’ depict in the term SME as used in the financial world ?
(A) Maximum
(B) Medium
(C) Mercantile
(D) Mutual
(E) Ministry
Ans : (B)

7. One of the major challenges banking industry is facing these days is deliberate efforts of some people to bring money earned through illegal activities in circulation. Which of the following acts is passed to prevent this activity ?
(A) Payment & Settlements Act
(B) Banking Regulation Act
(C) Negotiable Instrument Act
(D) Narcotics and Psychotropic Substance Act
(E) Prevention of Money laundering Act
Ans : (E)

8. Which of the following organizations provides guarantee to the exporters ?
(A) Exim Bank
(B) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
(C) Director General Foreign Trade
(D) Reserve Bank of India
(E) Registrar of companies
Ans : (B)

9. Which of the following terms is not used in Banking World ?
(A) Credit
(B) Rate
(C) Financial Status
(D) Discount
(E) Absolute zero
Ans : (E)

10. What is the full form of IRR as used in banking/financial sectors ?
(A) Internal Rate of Return
(B) Internal Revaluation Reserve
(C) Investment Reserve Ratio
(D) Internal Risk Return
(E) None of the above
Ans : (A)

11. Which of the following organisations provides credit history of the borrowers ?
Ans : (A)

12. Banks need liquidity to meet which of the following objectives of banking ?
1.Meet deposit withdrawal
2.Fund loan demands
3.Maintain public confidence
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Only 1 and 2
(E) Only 2 and 3
Ans : (D)

13. According to latest Economic Survey, which of the following sectors will provide largest share to Indian economy in the days to come?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Industry
(C) Services
(D) Exports
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

14. Which one of the following group represents key industries ?
1. Crude oil, electricity
2. Petroleum refining and finished steel
3. Cement and coal
(A) Only group 1
(B) Only group 2
(C) Only groups 1 and 2
(D) Only group 3
(E) All groups 1, 2 and 3
Ans : (E)

15. Which one of the following is covered in the list of services for service tax purposes ?
1. Insurance/health services
2. Hotel accommodation/air travel services
3. Money changers/legal services
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 and 3
(E) All 1, 2 and 3
Ans : (E)

16. Which of the following agencies is providing Unique Identity Cards to all Indian Residents ?
(A) Election Commission of India
(B) Ministry Foreign Affairs
(C) Govt. of Maharashtra
(D) Border Secutiry Force
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

17. Vikram Pandit is associated with which of the following banks ?
(A) Yes Bank
(B) ICICI Bank
(C) Citigroup
(E) State Bank of India
Ans : (C)

18. Banks make frequent changes in their product profile including introduction of new products etc. This is called—
(A) Product Control
(B) Product enhancement
(C) Product marketing
(D) Product enrichment
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

19. Banking and financial services, all over the world, are regulated usually by Monetary Authority of the land. Who controls this function in India?
(A) Ministry of Finance
Ans : (C)

20. As per guidelines of the RBI, banks are to provide appropriate banking facilities to habitations having population in excess of 2000 by which year ?
(A) 2011
(B) 2012
(C) 2015
(D) 2016
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

21. Which one of the following is the target fixed for maintaining fiscal deficit in the Union Budget of India ?
(A) 4•6 per cent of total budget
(B) 4•6 per cent of GDP
(C) 3•6 per cent of total budget
(D) 3•6 per cent of GDP
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

22. FIMMDA stands for—
(A) Foreign Investment Markets & Derivatives Market Association
(B) Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association
(C) Fixed Income and Money Market Development Association
(D) Floating Income and Money Markets Derivative Assets
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

23. On which one of the following issues, a group of top business leaders and other eminent citizens have expressed their concern to the Govt. of India ?
(A) Corporate Governance
(B) Fiscal deficit
(C) Inflation
(D) Governance deficit
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

24. Nobel Laureate Muhammed Yunus belongs to which one of the following countries ?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Pakistan
(C) Maldives
(D) Bangladesh
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

25. Who is the author of the book ‘Darkness At Noon’ ?
(A) V. S. Naipaul
(B) Chetan Bhagat
(C) Arthur Koestler
(D) Vikram Seth
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

26. For which one of the following purposes, Mega Food Parks scheme was introduced by the Government of India ?
(A) To provide better price to farmers
(B) To improve the productivity of food crops
(C) To control the prices of food items
(D) To avoid wastage of fruits and vegetables stored for export
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

27. Which of the following terms is not used in banking ?
(A) Debit Card
(B) Credit Card
(C) Kisan Card
(D) ELISA Test
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

28. Which of the following is the reason, owing to which Government charges export duty on some export items ?
(A) It is to get benefit of high international prices
(B) To improve the tax collection targets
(C) It is as per international practices
(D) To ensure the smooth availability of the items in India
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

29. Pipavav Port is located in which of the following States ?
(A) Odisha
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Gujarat
(E) West Bengal
Ans : (D)

30. Which of the following is/are the objective(s) of our monetary policy ?
1. Anchor inflation expectations
2. Actively manage liquidity
3. Maintain interest rate regime consistent with price output and financial stability
(A) Only 1
(B) All 1, 2 and 3
(C) Both 1 and 3
(D) Only 2
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

31. With which one of the following fields was Pandit Bhimsen Joshi associated ?
(A) Dance
(B) Music
(C) Short-story writing
(D) Novels
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

32. For which of the following purposes, RBI has constituted a Working Group with Shri Deepak Mohanty as Chairman ?
(A) Deregulation of primary markets
(B) Deregulation of secondary markets
(C) Deregulation of Savings Bank Rates
(D) Introduction of Base Rate
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

33. Who is Kapil Sibal ?
(A) Coal Minister of India
(B) Civil Aviation Minister of India
(C) Telecom Minister of India
(D) Economic Advisor to Prime Minister of India
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

34. Which of the following will set up core banking infrastructure for rural banks ?
Ans : (E)

35. Colonel Muammar al Gaddafi is associated with which one of the following countries ?
(A) Libya
(B) Beharin
(C) Yemen
(D) Tunisia
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

36. What is Gross Domestic Product ?
(A) It is the cost of production of all final goods and services made in the country
(B) It is the cost of services made within the borders of a country in a year
(C) It is the market value of all final goods and services made in the country
(D) It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

37. Which of the following metals is used for generation of Nuclear Power ?
(A) Silver
(B) Gold
(C) Uranium
(D) Copper
(E) Barium
Ans : (C)

38. In which one of the following States, India’s first Islamic Bank is proposed to be set up ?
(A) Kerala
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Odisha
(D) Bihar
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

39. In which one of the following States, Niyamgiri Bauxite Mining Project is proposed to be set ?
(A) Odisha
(B) Jharkhand
(C) West Bengal
(D) Bihar
(E) Chhattisgarh
Ans : (A)

40. Which of the following terms is not used in Economics ?
(A) Demand and Supply
(B) Ad Valoram Tax
(C) Break even
(D) HIV positive
(E) Cost benefit analysis
Ans : (D)

41. For which one of the following reasons Finance Minister denied entry of NRI funds for infra bonds ?
(A) It will bring in more liquidity in the country
(B) NRIs can withdraw their funds any time
(C) It will bring interest burden on the country
(D) It could lead to losses at the time of redemption because of fluctuations in the Indian Currency
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

42. What is ‘financial inclusion’ ?
1. Easy access to bank accounts for safe parking of savings
2. Availability of cheap credits through appropriately designed loans for poor and low income households and small entrepreneurs
3. Availability of basic financial products like insurance
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 and 2
(E) All 1, 2 and 3
Ans : (B)

43. According to the Securities and Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill 2010, who amongst the following will be Vice-Chairman of joint commission to resolve differences amongst the financial regulators ?
(A) Finance Minsiter, GOI
(B) Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
(C) SEBI Chairman
(D) Chairman, Central Vigilance Commission
(E) RBI, Governor
Ans : (E)

44. Which of the following terms is used in Economics ?
(A) Keynesian
(B) Adsorption
(C) Affinity Matrix
(D) Gene Flow
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

45. Which one of the following is the directive given to the Govt. of India in the Financial Stability Report submitted to it ?
(A) Focus on financial consistency
(B) To reduce fiscal deficit
(C) To ensure GDP growth
(D) To reduce revenue deficit
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

46. In which one of the following States, Jangi-Thopon and Thopon-Powari Power Projects are proposed to be set up ?
(A) J & K
(B) H. P.
(C) U. P.
(D) Manipur
(E) Meghalaya
Ans : (B)

47. Which one of the following is the proposal under the Food Security Law ?
(A) To provide 25 kg of food-grains to ration card holders
(B) To provide 25 kg of food-grains to targeted beneficiaries
(C) To provide 35 kg of food-grains to ration card holders
(D) To provide 35 kg of food-grains to targeted beneficiaries
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

48. Which one of the following are key policy rates used by RBI to influence interest rates ?
1. Bank Rate/the Repo Rate
2. Reverse Repo Rate
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) All 1, 2 and 3
(D) Only 3
(E) Both 1 and 3
Ans : (C)

49. For giving cooking gas connection to poor families, which of the following one time subvention (in rupees) will be provided by the Planning Commission ?
(A) 500
(B) 600
(C) 750
(D) 1000
(E) 1400
Ans : (E)

50. Which one of the following rates signal the RBI’s long term out-look on interest rates ?
(A) Repo Rate
(B) Reverse Repo Rate
(C) Bank Rate
Ans : (C)

51. What do you understand by ‘Para Banking’ services ?
(A) Eligible financial services rendered by banks
(B) Utility services provided by banks
(C) Services provided through business correspondents
(D) Services provided to armed force personnel
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

52. For which one of the following reasons, the Steel Ministry wants complete ban on export of iron ore from India ?
(A) The price of iron ore exports is not competitive
(B) The iron ore exports do not provide any value addition to exports
(C) The prices of iron ore are high and as such the exports of the ore should be banned
(D) Iron ore is a non-renewable resource like coal and petroleum products, hence it should be preserved
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

53. What is a cross Border Exchange ?
(A) Trading of foreign currency in India
(B) Trading of Indian rupee in exchange of other currencies/ goods
(C) Hawala transactions in Indian Rupee
(D) Unauthorized remittance of Indian Rupee
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

54. What is Cartosat-2B ?
(A) It is an advanced remote sensing statellite built by ISRO
(B) It is a warhead developed by DRDO
(C) It is an educational project launched by UGC
(D) It is an advanced computer developed by IIT Kanpur
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

55. For which one of the following reasons RBI has decided to undertake mid-quarter policy reviews ?
1. To realign its policies
2. To take steps and ensure smooth flow of credit
3. To provide guidance to the economy
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1, 2 and 3
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

56. Which one of the following is the objective of Financial Stability and Development Council ?
(A) To address inter-regulatory issues only
(B) To focus on financial literacy only
(C) To focus on financial inclusion only
(D) Only (A) and (B)
(E) All (A) , (B) and (C)
Ans : (C)

57. For which one of the following reasons has the Planning Com-mission decided to convert itself into a system Reforms Commission ?
(A) It is to make people to people contact
(B) It is to understand the problems of people
(C) It is to review the implementation of its policies
(D) It is aimed at changing economic profile of the country
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

58. Which one of the following sectors in India has attracted highest amount of Foreign Direct Investment during 2009-10 ?
(A) Manufacturing
(B) Construction
(C) Wholesale and Retail Trade
(D) Financial Insurance, Real Estate
(E) Civil Aviation
Ans : (B)

59. Which of the following is/are a renewable source of energy ?
1. Wind
3. Thermal
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) All 1, 2 and 3
(D) Only 2 and 3
(E) Only 1 and 2
Ans : (E)

60. Expand the term SWIFT—
(A) Society for Worldwide Inter-national Financial Telecommunications
(B) Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications
(C) Society for Worldwide Inter-national Financial Transfers
(D) Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Fiscal Transactions
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

61. For which one of the following reasons. NABARD has set up joint liability groups (JLG) of farmers ?
(A) To facilitate delivery of credit to farmers
(B) To facilitate better delivery of credit to farmers through informal sources
(C) To facilitate better delivery of credit to share croppers and those who do not have their own land
(D) To facilitate better delivery of credit to farmers through Panchayats
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

62. Which of the following terms is not used in Banking World ?
(A) Holding Company
(B) Post dated cheque
(C) Credit
(D) Time deposit
(E) Centripetal force
Ans : (E)

63. What is the extent of claim that can be entertained by a Lok Adalat ?
(A) Up to lakhs
(B) Up to 10 lakhs
(C) Up to 20 lakhs
(D) Up to 50 lakhs
(E) No limit
Ans : (A)

64. ‘ASHA’ is a scheme for providing which of the following services to the people in India ?
(A) Health Service
(B) Clean water
(C) Primary Education
(D) Employment for 100 days
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

65. Some private organizations are running e-choupals, to help which of the following section of society ?
(A) Farmers
(B) Small businessman
(C) Cooperative Credit Societies
(D) School-going children
(E) Unemployed youth
Ans : (A)

66. Which is the currency of U.A.E. ?
(A) Dirham
(B) Dinar
(C) Dollar
(D) Taka
(E) Pound Sterling
Ans : (A)

67. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘A bend in the River’ ?
(A) Chetan Bhagat
(B) V. S. Naipaul
(C) Kiran Desai
(D) Anita Desai
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

68. Which of the following terms is used in game of Cricket ?
(A) Love
(B) Scoop
(D) Tee
(E) Back-hand drive
Ans : (C)

69. Which one of the following was India’s per cent GDP growth during 2009-10 ?
(A) 6•7
(B) 9•2
(C) 7•4
(D) 9•7
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

70. Which one of the following countries in Europe is facing financial crisis ?
(A) Ireland
(B) Portugal
(C) Rumania
(D) Hungary
(E) France
Ans : (D)

71. Which of the following schemes is launched for school children ?
(A) Rajlakshmi
(B) Kutir Jyoti
(C) Mid Day Meal
(D) Swajal Dhara
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

72. Loans of small or very small amounts given to low income group people are known as—
(A) Investment Loans
(B) Micro Credit
(C) Savings Loan
(D) Secured Loans
(E) Cash Credit Loans
Ans : (B)

73. Which of the following is the Central Bank of U.S.A. ?
(A) Federation of Banks in U.S.A.
(B) Citigroup U.S.A.
(C) Bank of America
(D) Central Bank of U.S.A.
(E) Federal Reserve System
Ans : (E)

74. Which one of the following countries was second biggest net importer of goods and services in the year 2009 ?
(A) U.S.A.
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Germany
(E) Russia
Ans : (B)

75. The activity of purchasing shares of various companies is called—
(A) On-line Trading
(B) Share Trading
(C) Real estate investment
(D) Corporate Trading
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

Saturday 17 September 2011


1. Central Banking Investigation committee recommended in 1930 to establish .........?
1) SBI
3) RBI
5) Allahabad Bank

2. Reserve Bank of India was started with a share capital of Rs .........crores on 1 April 1935?
1) 100
2) 200
3) 5
4) 15
5) 250

3. All India Credit Survey Committee(1952) suggested to set up .........?
1) SBI
2) RBI
4) SBH

4. The first credit card was issued in India by VISA in .........?

5. First international credit card issued by..........through VISA, getting special permission from RBI in 1987?
1) Andhra Bank
2) Corporation bank
5) None

6. The Central Government decided to give the loans to SHG(Self Help Groups) at .........% on par with Agriculture. ( International summit on Micro finance and Inclusive Development held on June 21, 2011 at Hyderabad)?
1) 6
2) 10
3) 15
4) 11
5) 7

7. The Local area banks were permitted to establish in .........?
1) 1986
2) 2001
3) 2006
4) 1991
5) 1996

8. Expand ECGC Ltd .........?
1) Export Cash Guarantee Corporation of India Life
2) Export Credit Guild Corporation of India Loop
3) Export Credit Guarantee Company of India Liability
4) Expand Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited
5) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited

9. RBI conducts sales of dated securities and treasury bills through its .........?
1) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
2) Negotiable Instruments
3) Open Market Operations
4) Bank Rate
5) None

10. ......... got $95.16 million loan agreement with the Asian Development Bank to strengthen tourism sector?
1) Goa
2) Himachal Pradesh
3) Andhra Pradesh
4) Bihar
5) Kerala

11. Central Bank of USA is .........?
1) Bank of America
2) Citi Bank
3) Federal Reserve
4) Reserve Bank of USA
5) Obama bank

12. Government securities Act passed in stream line the government securities?
1) 2011
2) 2006
3) 2007
4) 2009
5) 2008

13. Hurricane Irene disturbed .........?
1) India
2) Pakistan
3) USA
4) Australia
5) Japan

14. Transition economies mean .........?
1) economies left modern economies and go to central or conventional set up
2) countries transforming from dictator ship to autocrat rule
3) economies that cancelled licensing system and hand over system to central bank
4) countries left European Union to join USA Exchange system
5) abandoned central or conventional set up and changing to modern market economies

15. Trotting Inflation means .........?
1) When prices down moderately and the annual inflation rate is a single digit
2) when prices rise in fast mode and the annual inflation rate is a double digit
3) when prices rise slowly and the annual inflation rate is a single digit
4) when prices rise moderately and the annual inflation rate is Zero
5) When prices rise moderately and the annual inflation rate is a single digit

16. On 6 September 2011, UNCTAD's Trade and Development Report 2011, projected an economic growth of 8.1 per cent for India. Expand UNCTAD?
1) United Nations Conference on Tier and Development
2) Unit Nations Conference on Trade and Development
3) United Nations Conference on Trade and Deal
4) Unique Nations Conference on Trade and Development
5) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

17. ......... announced six months maternity leave for its women employees who adopt less than year old child in the month of July?
1) Rajasthan
2) Andhra Pradesh
3) Bihar
4) Jammu
5) Uttar Pradesh

18. Best performing state award for wheat for 2010-11 got by .........?
1) Punjab
2) Haryana
3) M.P.
4) Odisha
5) Tamilnadu

19. Keri Anne Payne belongs to .........?
1) Acquatics
2) polo
3) Cricket
4) Volleyball
5) Tennis

20. the winner of Snooker World Champion ( 2011)?
1) Geeth Sethi
2) Yasin Merchant
3) Greme Dott
4) John Higgins
5) None

21. .........has the greatest number of newborn deaths more than 9 lakh a year?
1) Somalia
2) UK
3) India
4) Japan
5) Pakistan

22. ..........Indian firms made the cut in the list of world's 500 largest companies declared by Fortune Magazine?
1) 4
2) 6
3) 11
4) 8
5) 2

23. GMR Energy Limited establish 800 megawatt power project in .........getting $ 1 billion dollars fund from the 6 banks consortium?
1) USA
2) Singapore
3) UK
4) Japan
5) None

24. the third largest trading partner for India?
1) European Union
2) Japan
3) Russia
4) USA
5) Australia

25. ..........has sanctioned Rs. 1.5 crore to set up a kumki elephant (tamed/ trained) camp at Chadivayal at the foothills of Siruvani.?
1) Kerala
2) Karnataka
3) Tamil Nadu
4) Goa
5) Odisha

26. ..........the scheme introduced by Odisha enables pregnant women in rural areas to avail monetary assistance for accessing medical care?
1) Suguna
2) Sila
3) Bangram
4) Cloud
5) Mamata

27. ..........launched the First Gold Index in India with a Base Date of 2 January 2007?
1) BSE
3) NSE
5) RBI

28. On 8 July 2011, the Central Government issued the new series of coins with improved design and revised size. The coins are .....?
1) 25 Paise, one rupee, two rupee, five rupee and ten rupee
2) one rupee, two rupee, five rupee and ten rupee
3) one rupee, two rupee, five rupee and hundred rupee
4) 50 Paise , one rupee, two rupee, five rupee and thousand rupee
5) 50 Paise, one rupee, two rupee, five rupee and ten rupee

29. was penalized for Rs.25 lakh for violating norms relating to Know Your Customer (KYC)
1) UCO
2) Citi
3) SBI
4) Syndicate
5) Andhra

30. RBI allowed domestic companies to issue shares against the import of .......... goods, allowing them to expand the business.
1) Luxury
2) Cheap
3) Capital
4) White
5) Smuggled

31. The account in which trading of shares in their electronic form is ............?
1) NRI account
2) Foreign account
3) Trio account
4) Current account
5) DEMAT account

32. The Modern Banking System includes ............?
1) Customer Banking
2) Infusion of IT
3) Risk Based Management
4) Add on Services
5) All of above

33. a term not used in Banking?
1) Advance
2) Garnishee
3) Lien
4) Emission
5) Crossing

34. Which among the following is not a part of Institutional Banking?
1) Commercial banks
2) Private Banks 3) Money Lenders
4) Co-operative Banks
5) Regional Rural Banks

35. Central bank is going to insist on a minimum asset size of more than
Rs............crore for registering any new non-banking finance company (NBFC)?
1) 100
2) 500
3) 50
4) 150
5) 60

36. Kamala Beniwal the Gujarath Governor appointed the Lokayukta, with out the consulting State Government?
1) Justice R.A.Mehatha
2) Justice Balakrishnan
3) Justice Narashimhan
4) Justice Kalidasa
5) Justice Panduranga

37. Which is the first north eastern state to bring the Chief Minister under the jurisdiction of Lokayuktha on 26 August 2011?
1) Arunachal Pradesh
2) Sikkim
3) Assam
4) Manipur
5) Mizoram

38. Rogers cup winner is ............?
1) Maria Sharapova
2) Venus William
3) Serena Williams
4) Sania Mirza
5) None

39. On 13th August, ............ crores was abolished by the Union Government for hand weavers?
2) 2000
3) 3000
4) 10000
5) 7500

40. The World Bank says that the world may see another recession worst than 2008 due to ............region crises?
1) USA
2) UK
3) France
4) Germany
5) Euro Zone

41. Expand EASIEST?
1) Electronic Account System in Excise and Service Tariff
2) Electric Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax
3) Electronic Accounting System in Exemption and Service Tax
4) Empowered Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax
5) Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax

42. On 29 August 2011, RBI issued Draft guidelines regarding the Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector. Find out one not among them?
1) Entities having the share of 10 percent or more source of income from the construction sector/real estate not eligible to open new private banks
2) New banks will be set up through a wholly owned Non-Operative Holding Company (NOHC)
3) Minimum capital requirement will be 500 crore
4) At least 50 per cent of the directors of the NOHC should be independent directors
5) The aggregate non-resident share holding in the new bank shall not exceed 74 percent for the first 5 years

43. the new corporate affairs minister?
1) Anand Sharma
2) Chidambaram
3) Manmohan Singh
4) Veerappa Moily
5) Vilasarao Deshmukh

44. Locate the wrong Award?
1) World's best Airline-Qatar Airways
2) Air India got second best Airline
3) Air Asia won the best Low-Cost Air line Award
4) Nordic Carriew Finnair bagged the Best Airline award in customer satisfaction award
5) None

45. South Sudan is the new country in the world map. Pick the wrong one?
1) Its capital is Juba
2) Salva Kiir Mayarditi is the first president
3) South Sudanese pound is the currency
4) It is 194 member in UNO
5) It is a 54 nation in Africa

46. G-20 farming meeting urgently called for the more agriculture production. The summit held in ............on 22, 23 June 2011?
1) Toranto
2) Paris
3) Tokyo
4) New Delhi
5) London

47. National Communal Harmony Award got by ............?
1) Hamid Ansari
2) Anna Hazare
3) Hareesh Handey
4) Mohammad Hanif Khan Shastri
5) Sonia Gandhi


1)3 2)3 3)1 4)5 5)1 6)5 7)5 8)5 9)3 10)2 11)3 12)2 13)3 14)5 15)5 16)5 17)1
18)2 19)1 20)4 21)3 22)4 23)2 24)4 25)3 26)5 27)2 28)5 29)2 30)3 31)5
32)5 33)4 34)3 35)3 36)1 37)3 38)3 39)5 40)5 41)5 42)5 43)4 44)2 45)4 46)2 47)4

Friday 16 September 2011


1. Which of the following ministries has launched a new "Skill Development Initiative Scheme" so that the employability of the young people can be increased?

(a) Ministry of Finance

(b) Ministry of Agriculture

(c) Ministry of Heavy Industry

(d) Ministry of Home Affairs

(e) Ministry of Labour and Employment

Ans: (a)

Sachin Tendulkar has recently, become the first cricketer in ODI history to cross the milestone of

(a) 10000 runs             

(b) 12000 runs

(c) 15000 runs             

(d) 17000 runs

(e) 20000 runs

Ans: (d)

3. The East Asia Summit took place in October 2009 in Hua Hin town, This is a town in -

(a) China   

(b) Myanmar

(c) Cambodia   

(d) Malaysia

(e) Thailand

Ans: (e)

4. What percent of India's GDP is invested in providing education?

(a) 1%              

(b) 2.5%

(c) 4%              

(d) 6%

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

5. Why has Dr. Sublr Gokarn’s name been in the news recently?

(a) He has, taken over as the Deputy Governor of the RBI

(b) He has taken over as the Deputy Governor of the RBI

(c) He will be the new Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India.

(d) He has taken over as the Chief of the Economic Advisory Council attached to Prime Minister's Office

(e) None of these

Ans: (b)

6. As published invarious newspapers, the Experian Credit Information Company of India is going to launch its operation in India soon. At present the only credit information bureau fuctional in India is

(a) AMFI   
(b) ICRA

(c) CIBIL   

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

7. As per the news published, in a financial population RBI is redesinging its 'ECS' to function as a Automated Clearing House (ACH) for bulk transactions. What is full form of  'ECS'?

(a) Extra Closing System

(b) Electronic Cheque System

(c) Evening Cheque Sorter

(d) Evening Cheque System

(e) Electronic Clearing Service

Ans: (e)

8. Which of the following challenges will be the most crucial for human existence on earth in the days to come?

(a) Pollution   

(b) Food Secudty

(c) Availability of natural gas

(d) Need for Financial Inclusion

(e) Cyber Crimes

Ans: (a)

9. The Reserve Bank of India has asked all the banks to install. "Note Sorting Machines" in the branches. How will this help banks and the general public?

(A) The machines will check for counterfeit notes and drop these from circulation.     .

(B) This will help banks to count the notes quickly and accurately.

(C) This will help in sorting out soiled 1I0teS so that they are not reissued by the banks.

(a) Only B   
(b) Only A

(c) Only C   
(d) Only A and B

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

10. A study report entitled "India Generation Gap Review" was presented at the World Economic Forum in November 2009. This was presented during which of the following summits/conferences?

(a) G-8 Summit   

(b) G-20 Summit

(c) India Economic Summit

(d) SAARC Finance Ministers' Conference

(e) None of these

Ans: (c)

11. As we know the Government of India has notified certain new rules to calculate Income Tax on various perks like accommodation and conveyance etc. being given by employers to their salaried employees. The new rules will replace which of the following taxes which has been abolished now?

(a) Capital Gains Tax

(b) Sales Tax

(c) Cash Transaction Tax

(d) Fringe Benefit Tax

(e) None of these

Ans: (c)

12. Dr. K. Radhakrishnan has taken over as the Chief of -

(a) Electionics Commission

(b) Indian Space Research Organisation

(c) Atomic Energy Commission of India

(d) Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India

(e) None of these

Ans: (b)

13. As per the guidelines issued by the RBI, banks are preparing for a service which will allow customers to withdraw upto Rs .1,000 using their debit cards from notified shops/stores. allover the country. All such shops/stores will have 'pas' terminals for the same. What is full form of the 'pas'?

(a) Payment on Sale   

(b) Power of Sale.

(c) Point of Sale

(d) Payment Order Service

(e) None of these.

Ans: (c)

14. The working group set up by the RBI has suggested-the launch of an Emergency Fund Facility Scheme for banks. This scheme will help which of the following types of banks?

(a) Public Sector Banks

(b) Small Banks

(c) Urban Cooperative Banks

(d) Private Banks   

(e) Foreign Banks

Ans: (c)

15. As we all know banks publish their quarterly performance to bring transparency in the system and also to give a clear picture of their performance to the public. How were results of Quarter 2 different from the results of Quarter 1 of the listed banks including giants like SBI and ICICI banks?  
(A) Performance was subdued in the Quarter 2.

(B) Yields on advances of almost all listed banks have come down.

(C) Advances grew at a slower pace when compared to deposits.

(a) Only A is true

(b) Only B is true

(c) Only C is true

(d) All A B and C are true  
(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

16. After the Subprime crisis which of the following problems has hit the global economy/world markets recently?

(a) Dubai debt problem

(b) Change of Government in Japan and its new economic policies.

(c) High rate of inflation in India

(d) Extremely volatile behaviour of the Bombay Stock Exchange and other major Stock Exchanges world wide.

(e) None of these.

Ans: (a)

17. As per the news published in major newspapers in India Banks in India need about 12 lakh business correspondents for rural areas. What will be the role of these correspondents?

(A) They will help rural people in their day to day banking activities.

(B) They will work as a link between banks and the customers.

(C) They will ascertain eligibility of rural people so that relief packages can be provided to them.

(a) Only A   
(b) Only B  
(c) Only C   
(d) All A. B and C  
(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

18. It is evident that the economic slowdown still continues to weigh on the performance of the banks in India. How is this affecting banks and/or general public?

(a) The number of bank account holders has gone down

(b) The gross Non Performing Assets (NPAs) of the listed banks have increased substantially.

(c) Inflation has reached at a very high level

(d) Relief packages announced by the Government have proved insufficient to improve the situation of agri sector

(e) All of these

Ans: (e)

19. As published in major newspapers public sector banks have asked the Government of India to provide more funds for "Capital Infusion". How much is the need of PSBs collectively for the purpose? (Rs. in crores)?

(a) 10,000   
(b) 15,000

(c) 20.000   
(d) 25,000

(e) 30,000

Ans: (d)

20. Who amongst the following has purchased about 200 tonnes of gold from international Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2009?

(a) Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd.

(b) Bombay Stock Exchange of India

(c) Gold Council of India

(d) Reserve Bank of India

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

21. One of the major emphasis of Basel II is that banks, should have

(a) adequate Capital Adequacy Ratio

(b) only few branches in urban centres

(c) more and more branches in rural areas

(d) core banking mode of operation

(e) all the above to comply with Basel II norms

Ans: (a)

22. As per the reports published by various agencies/organisation, it is estimated that around 3 billion extra people will join our existing population of 6 billion by the year 2050. To provide food for all of them, a second round which of the following initiatives is required to be start much in advance?

(a) Green Revolution   

(b) Planned Urbanisation     

(c) Industrialisation   

(d) Climate Migration     

(e) All of these

Ans: (e)    

23. Who amongst the following is the President of the European Union at present?

(a) Catherine Ashton     

(b) Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso,     

(c) Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt

(d) Mr. Sergi Lavrov     

(e) None of these

Ans: (e)

24. As per the reports published in various newspapers, and journals almost all big nations are trying their best to resolve various disputes between the nations where in either the are a party or because of that their peace and stability many be affected. Stability in which of the following two nations is more vital to India than that of any other nations?

(a) Bangladesh & China

(b) China & USA   

(c) Iraq & Russia

(d) South & North Korea     

(e) Pakistan & Afghanistan

Ans: (e)

25. India's bilateral per annum trade with European Union at present is about -

(a) 50 billion US $   

(b) 75. billion US $     

(c) 100 billion US $   

(d) 150 billion US $     

(e) 200 billion US $

Ans: (b)         

26. Some world bodies/organisations/agencies are of the view that agriculture should adopt a "Cross Disciplinary Approach", and fake help of all types of sciences and studies. This approach will help in which of the following crucial problems being faced by humanity?

(a) Use of Genetically Modified Crop   

(b) Melting of glaciers

(c) Food crisis

(d) Climate change

(e) None of these

Ans: (c)

27. An agreement between two nations or a group of nations which establishes unimpeded exchange and flow of goods and services between/among trade partners regardless of national boundaries is called-

(a) Import Free Agreement

(b) Free Trade-Agreement

(c) Export Free Agreement

(d) Special Economic Zone Agreement

Ans: (b)

28. Which of the following correctly describe what "One Carbon Credit" is?

(A) Credit permit to release one ton of carbon dioxide.

(B) Providing loans to establish one new production unit which can produce carbon dioxide for Industrial use.

(C) Finding out one new business which can use and recycle green house gases.

(a) Only C       

(b) Only B

Only A       

(d) All A, B and C

None of these

Ans: (c)

29. As per various reports issued by the UNO and other world bodies, agricultural and allied, activities consume what percentage of global water resources every year?

(a) 15%   

(b) 30%

(c) 50%   

(d) 70%

(e) 60%

Ans: (d)

30. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is a wing/agency of the _

World Bank

(b) United Nations Organisation

(c) Asian Development Bank

Ministry of Agriculture Government of India

None of these

Ans: (b)

31. As a policy India does not encourage tree, movement of unskilled labours from _

(a) Gulf Countries

(b) USA and South American Nations

(c) European Union Nations

(d) All these nations

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

32. The Government of India has decided to disinvest its share in major listed public sector under-takings. How much of its share will be off loaded in this method?

(a) 2%                   

(b) 4%

(c) 8%                   

(d) 10%

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

33. The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) is working in an Indian city to make it safe for women. Which of the following is that city?

(a) Pune              

(b) Kolkata

(c) Delhi      

(d) Mumbai


Ans: (c)

34. At present the trade between India and China is in a state of "Payment Imbalance", What does this mean in real terms?

(A) China does not import many items from India whereas India-imports more from. China.

(B) China does not pay India in time and a lot of delay is reported by the exporters.

(C) India wants all payments to be made in US Dollars whereas China pays in its own currency.

(a) Only A          

(b) Only B

(c) Only C          

(d) All A, B and C

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

35. India has signed an agreement on climate change with which of the following countries recently?

(a) USA                  

(b) Russia

(c) United Kingdom     

(d) Australia

(e) China

Ans: (e)

36. Some Scientists are of the opinion that extra agricultural production should be achieved. without, going for the cultivation of extra land and also without causing damage to essential eco-system. This concept, in other words, is known as-

(a) Sustainable growth

(b) Renewability of Inputs

(c) Global Melt down

(d) Climate Migration

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

37. Mr. Z. E. A. Ben Ali has taken over as the President of -

(a) Tunisia   

(b) Malaysia

(c) Indonesia   

(d) Kuwait

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

Which of the following is NOT a Government of India undertaking?

(a) Oil India Ltd.

(b) Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd.

(c) ICICI Bank

(d) National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

(e) Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.

Ans: (c)

39. India shares its border with China along the Himalayan range. Which of the following states touches the border of China.

(a) Punjab                     

(b) Bihar

(c) Arunachal Pradesh 

(d) chhattisgarh

(e) All of these

Ans: (c)

40. Which of the following has been the growth of India's GDP during 2008-09? (Final data are issued in late 2009).

(a) 5%                 

(b) 5.5%

(c) 6%                 

(d) 6.5%

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

41. India has recently gained the status of becoming the third largest producer of Steel in the world. Who is the largest producer?

(a) USA                

(b) Russia

(c) Japan               

(d) China

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

42. Dadaab Refugee Camp which was, in the news recently is located in which of the following countries?

(a) Sudan     

(b) Iraq

(c) Pakistan     

(d) Afghanistan

(e) Kenya

Ans: (e)

43. Which of the following countries, objected to the Indian Prime Minister's recent visit to Arunachal Pradesh?

(a) Pakistan   

(b) Nepal

(c) Myanmar   

(d) Bhutan

(e) None of these

Ans: (e)

44. Which of the following is NOT associated with climate change and/or Global Warming?

(a) Basel Norms

(b) Bali Meet 2007

(c) Copenhagen Conference

(d) Kyoto Protocol

(e) Bangkok Meet in 2009

Ans: (a)

45. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Hockey?

(a) Baseline   

(b) Smash

(c) Drop   

(d) Centre Forward

None of these

Ans: (d)

46. Which of the following Geneticaly Modified vegetables is recently being made available in Indian markets?

(a) Carrot   

(b) Radish

(c) Brinjal   

(d) Potato

(e) None of these

Ans: (e)

47. Each Nobel Prize winner gets an amount of 10, million Swedish-

(a) Kroner   

(b) Dollar

(c) Yen        

(d) Pound

(e) Euro

Ans: (a)

48. Which of the following is NOT a plant product?

(a) Camphor   

(b) Aloe Vera

(c) Vanilla   

(d) Kiwi

(e) All are plant products

Ans: (e)

49. Dr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan is one of the recipients the Nobel Prize in the field of__

(a) Physics   

(b) Chemistry     

(c) Medicine   



Ans: (b)

50. As per the reports published in newspapers the Government of India has asked all the states to conduct a 'Social Audit” of each and every work of which of the following scheme,     
(a) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act     

(b) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana     

(c) Indira Aawas Yojana     

(d) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana     

(e) None of these.

Ans: (a)

51. Which of the following is NOT the name of a major Lai Tennis Tournament?

(a) U S Open                

(b) Wimbledon     

(c) French Open   

(d) Grand Master     

(e) Australian Open

Ans: (d)  

52. 'Derby' is associated with which of the following sports events?

(a) Horse Racing   

(b) Chess     

(c) Cricket                 

(d) Hockey     

(e) Football

Ans: (a)        

Which of the following terms is NOT used in Banking and Finance?

(a) Bid Price   

(b) Jacksonian Seizure     

(c) Call Option   

(d) Bluechip     

(e) Dividend

Ans: (b)

54. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given for the exemplary won in the field of -

(a) Literature   

(b) Music   

(c) Films   

(d) Sports     

(e) None of these

Ans: (c)

55. Who amongst the following is the Chief Justice of India at present?

(a) Justice R. C. Lahoti   

(b) Justice Y.K. Sabharwal   

(c) Justice G. P. Mathur

(d) Justice K.G. Balakrishnan     

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

Which of the fallowing terms is NOT used in Econamics?

(a) Exogenous                

(b) Depreciation     

(c) Deep Market   

(d) Zero Sum Game     

(e) Handedness

Ans: (e)

57. Who amongst the fallowing is NOT a lawn Tennis player?

(a) Cara Black                

(b) Dinara Safina     

(c) Jelena Jankovic   

(d) Leander Paes   

(e) Anand Pawar

Ans: (e)

58. Which of the following books is written by V.S. Naipaul?

(a) A Woman Alone

(b) The Open Cauple     

The Grass is Singing

(d) The Golden Notebook     

(e) Half a Life

Ans: (e)

59. Sri Balraj Puri, who was in the news recently, is a famous _

(a) Classical Singer   

(b) Cine Actor

(c) Social Warker   

(d) Sportsman

(e) Journalist

Ans: (e)

60. Which of the following is caused by H5NI virus?

(a) Yellow fever   

(b) Measles

(c) Plague                

(d) Bird flu

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

61. Which of the following rivers is NOT in India?

(a) Tapti   

(b) Ural

(c) Mahi   

(d) Mahanadi

(e) Penner

Ans: (b)

62. Mr. Mohamed Nasheed was on a five day state visit to India recently. He is the President of -

(a) Bangladesh         

(b) Iran

(c) Indonesia         

(d) Maldives

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

63. India celebrated which of the following Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in October 2009?

(a) 110    

(b) 120

(c) 130                

(d) 140

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

64. Which of the following states has launched e-Shakti Programme so that poverty can be reduced in the state?

(a) Delhi                

(b) Maharashtra

(c) Uttar Pradesh   

(d) Bihar

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

65. Which of the following schemes is launched by the Government of India to improve the health of pregnant and lactating mothers?

(a) Matritva Sahayog Yojana

(b) Dhan Lakshmi Yojana   

(c) ASHA

(d) Health for All Scheme   

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

66. As per the decision taken by the Orissa cabinet the new name of the state would be written as _

(a) Odisha   

(b) Orissha

(c) Aurissa   

(d) Horissa

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

67. India recently organized sixth ministerial level of Indo-US- TPF. What is full form of TPF?

(a) Trade Policy Forum

(b) Traditional Planning Force

(c) Trade and Payment Finance

Technical Planning Force

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

68. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of state level agency on afforestation created by the Government of India?

(a) NDMA          

(b) SFDA

(c) ICMJE           


(e) None of these

Ans: (e)

69. Which of the following states has launched 'Atta-Dal Scheme' under which atta and dal Will be supplied at affordable prices to ration card holders?

(a) Rajasthan                

(b) Gujarat

(c) Uttar Pradesh   

(d) Orissa

(e) None of these

Ans: (a)

Which of the following states has the maximum number of Sugar mills?

(a) Bihar                   

(b) Rajasthan

(c) Gujarat                

(d) Haryana

(e) None of these

Ans: (e)

71. India purchased the Barak Anti Missile Defence System from –

(a) USA                   

(b) Japan

(c) France                

(d) Israel

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

72. Mullaperiyar Dam is built on which of the following rivers?

(a) Pamba                  

(b) Godavari

(c) Krishna                

(d) Cauvery

(e) None of these

Ans: (e)

73. Which of the following countries won the Champions Trophy Cricket Tournament 2009?

(a) England   

(b) Pakistan

(c) Australia   

(d) New Zealand

(e) None of these

Ans: (c)

74. Who amongst the following has not been nominated for Man Booker Prize -2009?'

(a) J.M. Coetzee            

(b) Hilary Mantel

(c) Sarah Waters            

(d) Thomas Cromwell

(e) None of these

Ans: (d)

75. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given far excellence in the field of-

(a) Sports                             

(b) Economics

(c) Science and Technology   

(d) Cinema

(e) None of these

Ans: (c)